Month: July 2018

When you want to read but you can’t find the time- stuff to help with that

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Listen while you do housework, walk, exercise, drive… feed your mind with some of our recommended books through Audible now at a boom boom discount!


Here’s a few of our commonly endorsed books on audible…



Or maybe you actually set aside time to read and you love your kindle or e-reader… 3 months unlimited for just .99!!  Try it, you’ll like it!


If you still like to have a book in your hand to mark up the margins, or highlight the text and you don’t want to wait long or pay shipping to get it… try PRIME and stock up on this deal to give it a try!


Or if you are like us and have GROOVE for all our meditations stored in the cloud… you know that goes away late this fall- don’t freak, try out Amazon Music, it is one of the higher rated apps now that GROOVE is going the way of the dinosaur.  You can get comfortable with the app prior to having to say… “NOOOOOO!, where’s my music!!”

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